We’ve included an email from one of our customers to his internal team (with permission, of course). This email can be copied and pasted to be sent to your employees.

F&B managers, please pass this along to your teams!

Hello again everyone, thank you for your time reviewing this. Here are some screen shots and helpful tips about the wine list app. This looks long but it’s all pictures! Let me know any questions you have. It’s all pretty self-explanatory but we’ll have guests that get hung up somewhere along the way trying to use this, so the faster we can respond in those moments, the more confidence they’ll have in the app and our service.

Here is the link again to the digital wine list - meant to be used on your mobile, but it does work on most desktops.

Here is the first things guests see when they pull up somm.ai -

The first thing I would point out is the table of contents, which is this icon -

Touching that brings up this table of contents -

  • in the previous shot I’ve already touched on Champagne, which expanded that section to show its subsections. Touching Blanc de Noirs then brings up these selections -

  • which is the 6 selections of Blanc de Noirs Champagne that we offer. Note the 3.3 that is now displayed in the table of contents letting you know you just have that portion of the list displayed. Here comes an important part, if I want to get back to the full table of contents, when I open the table of contents, there is a ‘See All Sections’ button that clears my choice and displays the full list again -

  • so hitting that resets you back to the full list.

Next let’s look at the search bar at the top. This is pretty self explanatory, type in what you’re looking for and it comes up.

So I typed in Littorai and it displays both Chardonnays and Pinot Noir from that producer -

  • or more simply you could type in Merlot and see Merlots, or Pinot Noir, etc… but there’s also another way to do that. The five icons below the search bar are filters. From left to right they allow you to search by region, grape varietal, wine style, vintage, and price. You can use multiple filters at once, so here I’ve first opened the region filter and clicked Australia -

  • then I went to the price filter and selected $100-$150 -

  • and now I have four wines to choose from. Important here is in order to look at the rest of the list again, I need to select “Clear All” in one of the filters. I think we’ll have the occasional guest that says nothing is coming up, and it will be because they don’t realize they have too many filters turned on. They might also not realize they have something selected in the Table of Contents, and are accidentally combining that with filters. So “See All Sections” becomes important again. If all else fails in these scenarios, they can always refresh the page and it returns to the full list.

Another display option is to sort by price. See the button below the filters that is default set to “Original” meaning original order of the list -

  • you can change that to “Price - Low to High” and also combine that with other features. In the next example I have selected California, Napa Valley Cabernet from the table of contents, and then also price - low to high, and now I’m looking at this -

  • and I would then use the touch screen to scroll through the rest of the Cabernet selections.

When a guest orders (IMPORTANT), you need the bin number! Simply ask them to touch the selection, and more information comes up, including the bin number. See this example with the magnum of Sociando-Mallet selected, and the bin number then displayed -

Final feature to talk about is the “Short List.” Each wine has a little flag on the right side -

  • you can select some choices you’d like to remember and start creating your own list of favorites. As you do so the number of wines in your short list appears at the bottom left. Here I’m looking at the Red Burgundy section, but I have 4 wines already selected in the short list -

  • touching that icon then brings up the list, which looks like this -

  • note the bin numbers are already displayed here. So this guest might then call over a sommelier and say tell me about these four wines.

The pool version of the app using a different link does not display beers, spirits, and cocktails so their guests cannot choose the full array of those options. So at the pool this app is only for bottled wine. The rest of the building will have a link that includes BTG wines, beer, spirits, and cocktails as menu options at the top.

This is a new app and the developers are very responsive to our requests and feedback! So your comments are valuable. We will continue to make improvements as needed, but barring any major setbacks I plan to go live with this on Friday. Nothing will change with our menus or QR codes, the link to the wine list will just change to the somm.ai app. We will continue to maintain printed lists as we have always done for guests that prefer a hard copy.

Thank you again for your time!